It's been a year. I can't believe it. I have done so much this year that I never thought would have happened when I started the channel. I can't express to all of you out there how much fun it has been over the last year. Awesome to meet so many of you, ride with some of you, and hopefully entertained all of you! This next year is going to be just as awesome. I'm stoked to have more friends along for the ride. Thanks so much!
3333 Sub Update – Free Hugs
I'm just a guy in Northern California that loves riding bikes. Most of my time is spent on a mountain bike. I also own a single speed for around town and commuting. Last but not least I own a cross bike. I couldn't bring myself to buy a road bike. That was my compromise to be able to ride with the lady. I'm originally from Pennsylvania and have that blunt east coast attitude. Some people love it, some people hate it. Either way I wake up in the morning.