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“Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

– Albert Einstein

77 Subscriber Update

Tonight I put together my 77 subscriber update! Totally had fun doing it. It was a 7 for 7 update.…

Racing Mother Nature

I tried to squeeze in a ride during a short break in the weather. I basically got done with most…

“Get a bicycle. You will certainly not regret it, if you live.”

– Mark Twain

30 Subscriber Update

It's been raining like no tomorrow in Northern California aaaaaaaaannnnnnd I haven't been able to ride.  On the other hand…

“The bicycle is a curious vehicle. It’s passenger is it’s engine.”

– John Howard

Throwback Video

This post was left on my YouTube Channel to remind me of when I first started the B1ker.com project.  Back…

It doesn’t take more than a bike to be a biker.  So get out and B1!

– Robert Schumacher
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